Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Helium 3 🎈

Follow-up to this post

It seems confirmed: northern Minnesota's newly discovered helium will put the state in a small group of global suppliers, competing with Russia, Qatar, and Tanzania. Analysis so far indicates "world class results" of the highest concentration the industry has ever seen, and a very large reserve underground.

Babbitt MN will profit from a new industry with new jobs, and America will have a wonderful access to this clean, non-renewable resource right within our own borders. 

 It will be great . . if and when the company (Pulsar Helium) and the state can put it together. Minnesota is working on regulations now, including where they want the state profits to go. Fortunately fracking won't be necessary, so that's one controversy that won't enter in.

Environmental impact is sure to be a mine field. There's only one comment to the video above on Youtube. Its writer describes this project's location as "an extremely sensitive and important ecosystem that connects to a huge area of pristine wilderness."

 from Hadco International

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