Friday, August 16, 2024

Prof fired

Freedom to speak your opinion even when it disagrees with the powerful, one of the American freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights in our Constitution, can't be assumed here in the U.S. anymore. Powerful people tell us that THEY hold the right to define truth.

Sadly, our colleges and universities have been bullying individuals for many years with regard to speech. A California professor with tenure was accused of immoral and unprofessional conduct and then fired in 2021. An official compared free speech advocates like him to "livestock that needed to be culled from the herd."

The prof said he was fired for speaking things the college didn't like, and filed a law suit.


The college claimed innocence but were willing to pay a hefty sum to avoid having to defend that claim in court. They settled for paying $2.4 million this summer.

Loss of free speech here in America and other places is what happens when those holding power don't want to go to the trouble of civil discussion with people who disagree. This example is the fourth one this week; the other examples of power denying freedom of speech were Venezuela (Tuesday), Britain (Wednesday), and Facebook (yesterday).

from Pen America

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