Friday, August 26, 2022


A new and bizarre crime has been invented, called "swatting," by which you can attack someone you don't like. You call 911 with an emergency of serious crime - not at your own home but at their home. So the police show up, could be the middle of the night, armed and ready. 

It was targeted at a politician on Wednesday and reported on the facebook page of the police department in Rome, Georgia. 

It's intimidation and bullying. The victim loses a night's sleep trying to deal with the commotion and maybe an alarmed family, perhaps reacting badly. And it's illegal for more  reasons: there could be unnecessary violence and taxpayer money is being wasted.

Why did the perpetrator do it? In this case, it was revealed. He/she called back to 911 saying that he/she was upset with the target's opinion regarding transgender youths. 

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