Monday, July 18, 2022

Loss of faith

You know you should think for yourself. You try to do that to maintain your faith, but it's discouraging. Maybe hopeless. We're flooded with movies, tv shows, books, websites, lectures, professors, journalists, etc., etc., saying that all reasonable people know science has disproved God. 

(Case in point: Capt. Jean-Luc Picard of "Star Trek" himself openly scorned belief in a supernatural being. For the record, Star Trek was one of my all-time favorites and I love Capt. Picard.)

But modern science actually tells a different story. Dr. Stephen Meyer explains three important discoveries over the last century which support rather than destroy faith in God:

  1. Our universe is not eternal. It had a start (the "Big Bang"). This is consistent with theistic belief in the Creator God.
  2. The physical laws of our universe are very finely tuned to make life possible (the "Goldilocks" principle: they're just right).
  3. Living cells are "uncannily computer-like", implying a master programmer rather than blind random chance. 
Reasonable people may believe in God.

from Newsweek

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