Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Move aside 2

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

Fortunately, there are a few Ph.D. educators who believe in parents. Dr. Keri Ingraham is one of them. She says it's time that new politicians and school boards are elected to work with parents in the education of their children -- not against them.

It seems like parents were asleep with regard to some of their schools' policies until recently. Maybe it was watching their kids doing school on screens at home that triggered the wake-up. Maybe it was something else. But for some parents, their assumption that the school shared their values has died an abrupt death.

Parents don't want gender confusion taught to their children, for example. Kids as young as five may be taught to select whether they are girls or boys, along with a new name. Older kids can go to a "wellness center" for an abortion, or for opposite-sex hormones, all free of charge. All without parent consent, or in some cases without even their knowing about it.

Parents don't want the new racism called "critical race theory" taught to their kids either. It's why this dad made an appearance at his school board meeting to object in a very loud voice. It's why this "Mama Grizzly" goes to school board meetings. It's why this dad removed his daughter from her private New York school and sent a letter to all the parents urging them to wake up. It's how this dad feels about his babies.

(cont'd tomorrow)

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