Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Anti-aging 1

It's hard to watch people we care about lose some of their abilities, decline as they grow older, and eventually succumb to a disease of old age. But we're all resigned to it because it's inevitable.

Well, actually, not all of us are resigned to it. Some are resolved to fight it. An anti-aging movement has been going on among biomedical researchers for many years. ("Fight Aging!" can be an educational resource for you; start with their FAQ.)

Damage to our cells that accumulates over the years is the dominant theory to explain why our bodies decline with age. Damaged cells are programmed to self-destruct, a process that produces billions of destroyed cells in our bodies daily. But a small number of damaged cells continue to live on in their damaged state and that causes problems. 

Hope to solve the problem of damaged cells is driving some new start-up businesses. 

from Mind Matters

(cont'd tomorrow)

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