Wednesday, May 5, 2021

AI in Moldova

Full self-driving may ultimately be too hard to achieve. Human intelligence is not totally understood. Some think it's inevitable that AI will grow way past humans, but maybe it's not even possible, let alone inevitable, that it will get there. 

AI is simply computational. A human programmer instructs it to answer questions or problems with certain answers, given the input of certain data. AI never challenges the programmer's assumptions or values, or thinks of questions the programmer should have asked. 

What kind of things do humans do that AI will never do? Bill Dembski has one unique answer:

A friend of his who traveled in Moldova was amazed that the drivers there didn't hit each other more often, since they don't have clear rules about when to move forward or stay put. When he asked his guide how drivers stay out of accidents, the Moldovan answered, "Eye contact." That was his answer - they read the intentions of other drivers in their eyes 😏

Like Bill says, maybe we "have no clue of what capabilities AI actually needs to achieve to truly match what humans can do."

from Mind Matters

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