Friday, October 30, 2020

Social wreckage 2

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

Chenyuan grew up under the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) in China. Social power is in the hands of government people who control the economy. Buying, selling and managing decisions are made by the socialist government, and total obedience is required. 

She says this kind of power always corrupts, that it inevitably produces abuse because no checks and balances are built into the system to restrain it. Government elites at every level use intimidation and threats to protect their power. Her father said they had to live like dogs with their tail tucked behind their legs. 


But Chenyuan noticed a big social difference when she came to the U.S. in 1989. She saw courtesy and mutual respect between people, which she believes comes from a system that values human freedom.

She begs Americans to continue to choose freedom over socialism.

from The Stream

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