Friday, October 2, 2020

Miraculous cell 1

This morning I ordered a new book by Dr. Michael Denton, The Miracle of the Cell. Reading it will be joyous, judging from my experience of reading his other books. Here is an excerpt for a preview.

As an article in Nature says, "the complexity of biology has seemed to grow by orders of magnitude." A biochemist (study of chemistry in living organisms) at Berkeley says, "It seems like we're climbing a mountain that keeps getting higher and higher . . The more we know, the more we realize there is to know."

The cell is the smallest unit of life and the most complicated. Quoting Dr. Denton, "In terms of compressed complexity, cells are without peer in the material world, actualized or imagined."

What goes on in a living cell was a complete mystery before the mid-20th century. "Only as the veil began to lift with the mid-century molecular biological revolution did science begin to glimpse the sophistication of these extraordinary pieces of matter." I'll share the discoveries with you when I get it in a couple of weeks.

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