Monday, October 3, 2016

Subsidy gone

New Zealand's government used to subsidize farm production. That is, it paid farmers to grow what the government wanted them to grow. A subsidy is money or financial favor. In the 1980's, subsidies were discontinued. Farmers would have to make their own decisions.

There have been good results:  "Since the reforms, New Zealand farmers have cut costs, diversified their land use, and developed new products," like 2200 dairy products compared to the 35 they used to produce.


But there is a bad result. Certain bureaucrats (the ones who used to tell farmers what to grow and how much they would be paid) have lost their jobs. They will have to get a new job, maybe making something that people want. So the government overall has lost some power over the people, who are now more free to create and innovate.

 Wait . . that's a good result.

(cont'd tomorrow)

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