Thursday, June 11, 2015


Darwin's Black Box was published by a practicing biologist in 1996. It caused something of an uproar in the science community because they regarded it as heresy.

Author Michael Behe of Lehigh University claimed that microscopic "motors" made up of chemical molecules operate within living cells, motors that appear to be built by an intelligent agent - just as, say, an outboard boat motor appears built intentionally rather than thrown together by chance.

Science for many decades has assumed only a material universe - no creator, no purpose, no design. To suggest that there may be evidence for an intelligent designer upset a lot of people, even though Dr. Behe didn't address who that designer might be.

But tomorrow's post will be about a biologist who is struck by the same evidence, even though he doesn't believe in a creator, and even though he "hates" that there's evidence for design in nature.

(cont'd tomorrow)

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