Friday, June 12, 2015

"Alien tech"


Dr. Stephen Larson has degrees in neuroscience and engineering - but I think you'll enjoy his TED Talk below anyway! He works in computer-related biology research and "open science."

But this interests me more:  he has come to the same conclusion that Dr. Behe (yesterday's post) did in the 1990's - tiny "molecular motors" in the cells of all living creatures appear to have been built by an intelligent designer. He says, "I'm overwhelmed with the feeling that this stuff was built by aliens!"

When confronted with genuine machines in living cells, reason and life experience would tell us they were built, as he says, "by an engineer a million times smarter than me." But he can only imagine "alien technology."  :)))

His training and associations limit his imagination. Those of us who were not systematically trained to filter out the supernatural can imagine another possibility - we see the fingerprint of our Creator.

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