Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Frankly atheist

Atheists claim that there is no supernatural, no God, only a material universe.  Their debate with believers has gone on throughout history and it is alive today online.

Christians often argue that there's no foundation for morality if there's no God as ultimate lawmaker and creator.  Atheists then protest that they can have morals without God.

But someone named John, who is frankly atheist, thinks that's "rubbish."  He wrote an open letter to his fellow atheists saying, "Maybe it's time we Atheists were a little more truthful and let the chips fall where they may."   

"We believe that the Universe is a great uncaused, random accident . . While we acknowledge concepts like morality, politeness, civility seem to exist, we know they do not . Outside of my greedy little gene's need to reproduce, there is nothing in my world that stops me from killing you and reproducing with your wife."

There you are - an atheist just trying to be consistent with his beliefs.

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