Thursday, December 5, 2013

Successful schools

Work Hard. Be Nice. was written by Jay Matthews to tell the story of  "How Two Inspired Teachers Created the Most Promising Schools in America."

Schools in neighborhoods of poverty have a poor track record.  The "two inspired teachers" joined Teach for America to go to these tough schools and make a difference, but they failed.

Huge passion for their task led to huge effort, and  finally they found methods that produced successful students.  Those methods include working closely with parents as well as investing extraordinary time and enthusiasm.  They formed a new organization of charter public schools.

"Work hard. Be nice," it became the defining slogan of KIPP Schools.  Their goal is that every student learn and then go to on to a successful college career.

College is conceived of as the best route to empowered lives, and character is considered the key.  Just as in How Children Succeed (the subject of the last three days' posts), character is important at KIPP.  They focus on:  zest, grit, self control, optimism, gratitude, social intelligence, and curiosity.

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