Friday, September 20, 2013

Gen Y unhappiness

Standard disclaimer: no, the following does not apply to everyone who is Gen Y!  But as with most theories, it probably applies to some.

This Huff Post article maintains that there is a subgroup of generation Y, the GYPSY, which is "Generation Y Protagonists and Special Yuppies."  They've been brought up to know that they are not just full of potential, but they're Very Special and therefore entitled to success (unlike their parents, who expected that only hard work would earn them rewards).

The author quotes a study "finding that Gen Y has 'unrealistic expectations and a strong resistance toward accepting negative feedback,' and 'an inflated view of oneself.' He says that 'a great source of frustration for people with a strong sense of entitlement is unmet expectations.'" 

If you have observations/opinions, share them.

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