Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Faithless pastor, faithless people

(cont'd from previous post)

Isn't that (the above title)  the end result - that church members become more or less what that atheist pastor has been feeding them?  

About one in five Americans answer the question about their religion of choice with the answer, "None."  I wonder how many of these "nones" came very understandably from churches where a secular worldview was taught from the pulpit.  Of course they're nones.

Seekers sincerely seeking spiritual answers go to a church where they naturally expect to hear the best case for God that can be made, or at least the sincere faith of the pastor - and what do they actually find in these cases?   Jaded, materialist, cynical, secular attempts to think up some sort of meaningful answers without God.

It's like being tricked.

Why do they do it?   "Amazingly, Darryl [see yesterday's post] is candid about the fact that he remains in the ministry largely for financial reasons. It is how he provides for his family."

Most people, believers or not, have a conscience.  If I were able to speak to these atheist pastors, I would beg them to get some guts and find a different way to make a living.  

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