Tuesday, November 5, 2024


Today is election day in the U.S.A. I've heard that some of you in the rest of the world are praying for America. Thank you. We need prayer.

Last week the current president made a big political error. He called me--and half of the country--garbage because we don't support his political party. Big mistake, huge mistake. Our sheep-like legacy media immediately saw the problem and rushed to say he didn't mean it 😄

Almost nobody buys their lame spin, so memes abound. Here's a photo of some of us lined up to vote:

Monday, November 4, 2024

He let it burn

Back in the summer of 2020, vicious thugs took a distressing cultural moment (the death of George Floyd) as an opportunity to riot, loot, and burn (photo) a big section of the city of Minneapolis. They actually burned down the Third Precinct Police station.

Lawless mobs of hundreds brought destruction to city streets, on live television, right at the height of the pandemic. Gatherings had been condemned by our governor, including church services, but he allowed this particular gathering to go on for days. His wife famously says she kept the windows open so she could smell the burning tires.

America's left wing political party chose this man to run for vice president of the USA and many are voting for him today. What an utter disaster.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Speak life

Today is "All Saints Day," a holiday celebrated in the Middle Ages. The night before it was called "All Hallow's Eve" when it was thought that spirits from Purgatory would come back from the dead and roam the town. Families stayed home that evening, ate pancakes and cider, and prayed.

Our own Halloween comes roughly from that tradition. Its theme is still related to death today.

Here is an artist of the spoken word, reciting his poem about the roots of Halloween. He contrasts it to the Bible's message of life.

"The armies of darkness while doing their worst can never extinguish this dazzling sunburst. The triumph is not with the forces of night. It dawned with the One who said, "I am the light!"