Friends of a native New Yorker woman came to town to shop the designer stores for an upcoming wedding.
The lights were off and the door locked when they arrived at their first one. A sales person cautiously answered their knock, and told them that a team of 15 men had targeted the store. They came in more than once to grab expensive merchandise and walk out with it.
While seated at a trendy restaurant, their waiter warned against wearing diamond stud earrings or a valuable watch. Across the street they later saw another robbery in process.
Stolen designer merch is easy to get rid of on the streets. In luxury stores, clothing may be tethered to walls while jewelry and other goods are hidden in back rooms for genuine customers.
For those of you outside of the U.S. who may think that outrageous lawlessness like this is normal for us in America, I can tell you that it was definitely not normal . . until a couple of years ago. Crime was furtive. This shameless boldness is new.
Tomorrow, crime spirals in today's Chicago.
from Human Events