Friday, September 6, 2024

U of Austin 3

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

UATX was founded to be the right kind of university, where truth is pursued with respect for each other, with humility, with honesty. As one of the founders, Bari Weiss, put it, "grievance and resentment define the current cultural moment. It’s a dead end. We must get back to gratitude." 

In his convocation address, President Kanelos didn't just complain about the degraded state of our existing universities. He tried to clearly express what this new one was created to do.

"We are returning to the very roots of the Western . . civilization that brought forward these extraordinary institutions called universities.

"This university is dedicated to the fearless pursuit of truth."

"Human beings have freedom and agency, and . .  we will learn how to use our freedom well. [Our] purpose is not simply knowledge, but wisdom."

Hopefully this new attempt at higher education will help to create a new generation of Americans dedicated not to grievance and resentment (photo), but to goodness and truth and beauty.

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