Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Slimming 1

Wouldn't it be nice if we all could keep the slim, strong, dependable bodies most of us had in our 20's and 30's? But aging typically brings new challenges, like unwanted weight gain. And, of course, not everyone has a slim body even in their younger years.

Enter the weight loss industry. If you could just take a pill that would burn off all unwanted fat, that would be so great! Imagine no disciplined workouts or eating programs. For a drug company, to bring that pill to market would be like finding the holy grail.

Sadly, so far there's no magic pill. But "ozempic" is the pill of choice for many. Made for type-2-diabetics, it's proven to lower blood sucrose (sugar) and even reduce appetite. Overweight non-diabetic individuals in a clinical trial lost 15-17% of their weight while those who took a placebo lost only about 2%.

Its cost isn't usually covered by insurance for non-diabetics, but a drug like it is: "wegovy." Except it's been hard to find lately.

Now a new weight-loss pill is on the horizon.

from Forbes

(cont'd tomorrow)

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