Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Fake sources

Follow up to this post

So, Open AI produced ChatGPT and it's being used to write text, like an essay (it can also generate art and music). You can tell it in your own words what to write, then it will survey some internet sources and come up with an article. 

This author has been using it and noticed something interesting. He asked it to write a sample blog post and to include its online sources, where it got the information it used. It did give him sources, all right - fake, made-up websites and articles.

He tested it again, and it gave him a list of five links to articles at various URL's. They were all fake. He told it, "None of those articles actually exist." It apologized and gave him another list of fake links. 

Actually, I generate text too. Every weekday I publish a post I've written, and . . and . . give you the actual link to the actual article or book I based my post on. You can always check my sources because the links are real.

You're welcome.

from Mind Matters

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