Friday, October 21, 2022

Free market 4

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

In Tuesday's video (posted originally in 2015), Jay mentioned the worldwide "Index of Economic Freedom." It is still being analyzed and reported on every year, and here it is for 2022

Why bother to care about whether a nation has economic freedom? Jay answered the question: because God commands us to care about the welfare of our neighbors, and economic freedom delivers by far the best outcomes for a society's people.

People are creative problem solvers. People are also morally flawed. Best outcomes result from empowering that creativity while at the same time restraining potential evil. When people  flourish, when they prosper, it is because the nation does a good job of balancing those conflicting goals.  

Pick a country you're interested in and look for it in this year's Index. You will get a lot of information about how free and safe its people are to be productive, to create a prosperous society.

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