Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Punk eek 2

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

Here's a giant question for Darwin's theory: if all today's animal species very slowly and gradually evolved over millions and millions of years from other species, one small change at a time, then where are the fossils of those intermediate forms?

Paleontologists (fossil scientists) Gould and Eldredge tried to come up with an answer to this question because of "their honest recognition that the countless intermediate forms which should be expected from evolutionary theory are simply not there."

Yesterday's video about punctuated equilibrium really got into the weeds, too much information. But here's a summary.  The paleontologists' explanation was that evolution didn't happen gradually, but rather fast and between long periods of stasis. So fast, in fact, that all those intermediate forms between species didn't leave fossils! 

Before he died, Gould abandoned his punk eek theory.

from Evolution News

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