Thursday, July 16, 2020

Change of mind

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

Universities originated in the European Middle Ages (roughly 900 to 1400 A.D.) when Christianity was the primary cultural influence. 

"Natural History" was a common course of study, scholars and students working to understand the natural world and its ordered principles. Being made in the Creator's image, they thought it reasonable that we humans could use our gift of rationality to understand the rest of creation.

Now, however, universities in general take an increasingly hostile position toward Christian views, going beyond nature & science to morality. Many university graduates assume Christian values are inferior and foreign to their own. 

Tom Holland (yesterday's post) assumed that . . until, as a historian, he studied the ancient pre-Christian cultures he was attracted to. He found that his own deeply held values came from the Christian faith, and that they transformed that cruel ancient world.

He calls the writings of the New Testament (Bible) revolutionary, a depth charge into the ancient world. His latest book tells the story, not from a Christian but rather from a secular viewpoint. Can't wait to read it.

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