Monday, October 28, 2019

Religious freedom 3

Note: Sorry about the delay! This post was planned for Friday, then my laptop died.

(cont'd from Thursday's post) 

Stark contrast stands between China's denial of religious freedom and America's protection of religious freedom. In China, the people exist for the government. In America, the government exists for the people.

The U.S. Attorney General made the case for religious freedom at Notre Dame University earlier this month. In short, something must restrain the dark side of human nature so that evil and violence don't run roughshod over society.

America's founders knew that voluntary, free religious faith should shape morality . . or government would have to do it by laws that grow increasingly tyrannical.

 So less genuine faith = more government control. That's how the Chinese political class sees it, and the Chinese Communist Party is all in on that movement.

China's government destroys churches, mosques, and free religious expression - while at the same time setting up 600,000,000 cameras to watch and judge every citizen's actions. 

Even here in America, as the influence of Christian faith declines, the size and power of the government grows. 

Our founders were right.

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