Monday, April 22, 2019


Many people have a philosophy of life that could be summed up this way, "The universe is against me." 

It's not a new outlook. Ancient Greek myth said that the titan Prometheus stole fire from the gods to help mankind, but paid a heavy price. Zeus designed a punishment for him to last til the end of time. No good deed goes unpunished because the universe is against us.

It's the fatalist myth. You grab all the pleasures you can, you suffer, then you die alone, and the cold universe wins. Human beings are naturally and rightly repelled by this outlook. But they also wonder: is it true?

Ancient myths painted a grim picture of an uncaring universe (which atheism affirms).

"Then Jesus burst the tomb. He didn’t lay in anguish for countless centuries, tormented by the highest god. He climbed the cross freely at the one true God’s request, as an act of love for a Father. And, in a crucial truth, for men. Unlike Prometheus, he wasn’t rebelling against the order of the Cosmos. He was restoring it. While the elements of earth and the emptiness of space might not be our friends, the spirit that made them is. The mind that kindled the fire of the Big Bang wanted to share it with us. He doesn’t envy our knowledge or fear our progress.

"He wants us, in fact, to progress much further than we'd imagined. And He wants us to unite ourselves to Him, by becoming His sons - instead of slaves, as Zeus demanded."

Doubting Thomas, becoming convinced of Christ's resurrection
Churchmouse Campanologist
John 20:19-31

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