Tuesday, May 2, 2017


(cont'd from yesterday's post)

So, yes, the arguments surrounding "climate change," aka global warming, are complicated. If you are not a climate scientist, and you can't independently study relevant evidence, how do you know which side to support?

The writer of the Dilbert cartoons is a "trained hypnotist" and says he has studied persuasion. He has some thoughts as to how people choose a side in the debate.

"No one is using reason, facts, or common sense to arrive at a decision about climate science. Here’s what you are using:  1. Fear 2.Unwarranted trust in experts 3. Pattern recognition.

"I accept the consensus of climate science experts when they say that climate science is real and accurate. But I do that to protect my reputation and my income. I have no way to evaluate the work of scientists.

"[T]he cost of disagreeing with climate science is unreasonably high if you are a scientist."
image: tvtropes.org

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