Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Really, Mars?

(cont'd from yesterday's post)

Falcon 9 was designed by SpaceX to be the first reusable rocket. In the past, rockets were always destroyed by their first flight. The obvious advantage is that every flight doesn't require a whole new rocket worth tens of millions of dollars. And if going into space can cost less, it can advance much faster.

Launch Complex 39A (yesterday's post), having a great history, has been leased to SpaceX (a private company) for 20 years and they've spent a millions to get it ready for their own rockets.

It's all in the service of Elon Musk's vision to make humanity an "inter-planetary species." by building the transport system to colonize Mars. He gave a talk in Mexico recently to explain how he sees that happening.

The talk is on youtube but it lasts about an hour and a half. Here's a 7-minute summary, including some big questions yet to be addressed:

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