Thursday, January 15, 2015

Real help

(third of three)

Doug has been trying to carry out Jesus' command to love our neighbors by asking that question from yesterday's post, "how can I best love my neighbor?"  His organization empowers people to provide for their own families and bring productivity to their communities.

Fourteen women provide for their 94 dependents through a chicken business in Swaziland (Africa). One of them, Busisiwe, had ten children to support when her husband died seven years ago. This poultry "value chain" lifted her out of poverty.

"Busisiwe still works very hard, but, for the first time since her husband died, she is able to say she is providing for her family with dignity. She says she is “emotionally free” to dream about her children’s high school graduations and their future because she is able to pay their school fees. Instead of thinking of where her family’s next meal is coming from, she spends her days tending her chickens and expanding her farm. She can afford to hire a tractor to cultivate her land, and purchase high quality seeds."

This is long-term sustainable prosperity.This is "loving my neighbor."

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