Monday, July 21, 2014

Or else

The terrorist group ISIS, whom John Kerry called more extreme than Al Qaeda, took over Mosul in Iraq last month.  It had been the location of many Christian Iraqis.

Now called just IS for Islamic State, they have taken action against remaining Christians.  Their formal statement was broadcast from mosques and mailed out:

"We offer them three choices: Islam; the dhimma contract – involving payment of Jizya [special tax imposed on non-Muslims]; if they refuse this they will have nothing but the sword."

So Christians can choose between converting to Islam, paying a special tax, or . . the sword?  What does that mean?  Looks like most are not sticking around to find out.

"Prior to 2003, the number of Christians in Mosul reached nearly 60,000. That number was nearly cut in half by the first half of 2014 but the numbers have plummeted in recent weeks. Last month, the number of Christians was estimated to have dropped to just 3,000."

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