Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mind over brain

When you think about what a brain looks like, it's so different from bone or skin or even muscle.  How can it contain all the memories of your life, and all the things you thought today and every day, and all your preferences and passions?

It's made up of millions of electrical connections between brain cells and it's a material thing.  And "Materialists" claim that that is all you are, just a highly evolved animal brain with a body.

But the Christian position on humans goes further.  Agreed, you have a wondrous material brain.  But you are more than that.  "Image of God" claims that you have a mind and/or a soul and a spirit that are not produced by your body at all.  You have all the intellectual functions of rationality and appreciation for beauty.  You also have a desire to live for something higher than yourself, to create a meaningful life.

Atheists/Materialists have a hard time explaining this non-material side of people.

Here is an article from Eric Metaxas (read about him in the post before this one) on the mystery of the mind.

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