Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Disappointment for evolutionists?

You probably know that your genes are found in the super big and complicated molecule called DNA in the nucleus of all your cells.  You may know that those genes are coded with instructions for making all the types of proteins (there are hundreds) which your cells need in order to operate.

You may not know that only about 1% of your DNA actually carries those protein-building instructions.  There are long stretches of DNA segments that do not code for proteins.  For years biologists have called these segments "Junk DNA", thinking they were useless.

The teaching of evolutionists goes like this:  If God created DNA, he would certainly not have included  worthless junk in his design.  It can only be that "Junk DNA" developed during millions of years of evolution, their usefulness eventually ended, and they became retained residue of the evolutionary process.

Big surprise!  A huge research effort has found that about 80% of our DNA is not junk but instead has important, even vital function.

Are scientists upset?  No, not if they hold their assumptions lightly and are willing to go wherever the evidence leads.  Yes, if this new information threatens their assumptions and their convenience.

Watch this two-minute summary by biochemist Fazale Rana:


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