Friday, November 30, 2012

SuperZips: "Overeducated Elite Snobs"

That New Upper Class we were talking about, they carry with them "an unmistakable whiff of a 'we're better than the rabble' mentality."  Some people call them "Overeducated Elite Snobs" (OES).

"The daily yoga and jogging that keep them whippet-thin are not just healthy things for them to do; people who are overweight are less admirable as people.  Deciding not to recycle does not reflect just an alternative opinion about whether recycling makes sense; it is inherently irresponsible.  Smokers are not to be worried about, but to be held in contempt.

"They just quietly believe that they and their peers are superior to the rest of the population, intellectually and in their nuanced moral sensibility."

Where do they get this opinion of themselves?  Well, from their education at HPY (Harvard, Princeton, Yale) or another elite university, and from their super high income that is higher than 95% of all Americans.

Where in the U.S. are these SuperZips where the OES live?   More to come.

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